
Just to say thank you for my speedy pc repair,and for your patience in talking me through my email problem. I would be more than happy to recommend your services to my friends, and look forward to seeing you soon to discuss an update to something a little more portable.
best wishes,

Ken Cutty

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If you're having problems with your system, just getting to grips with how it works, let us help you with 1-2-1 computer coaching.

We come out to your house, work with you at your pace, on your system, at a time that's convenient to you.

We provide you with support documentation for every session with instructions and diagrams relevant to you.

We work at a pace that is convenient for you and allows you to really get to grips with computing at a comfortable speed.

If you want to borrow a computer for a session to get an introduction, we can happily do that for you and even help you in the buying process.

If you are thinking of buying a new system and you're confused by it, let us help you out with a knowledgeable friend approach. We do not take commissions from suppliers and we are happy to attend local shops with you or advise on online purchases to meet your needs.

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Just to say thank you for my speedy pc repair,and for your patience in talking me through my email problem. I would be more than happy to recommend your services to my friends, and look forward to seeing you soon to discuss an update to something a little more portable.
best wishes,

Ken Cutty

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