PC Clinic’s Refurbished Lab

Our lab at PC Clinic has recently been refurbished and extended.

We are very proud of it, so here are a few pictures:

One thought on “PC Clinic’s Refurbished Lab

  1. Hi Pete.
    A mutual friend (John TT from Blood Bikes) suggested I contact you. As well as Blood Bikes I am a member of Soroptimist Internaional of Wolverhampton. We support an orphanage in Kenya – “Footprints” and I have set myself a challenge of raising 12 refurbished laptops for them. Until recently they had no electrical supply so it was inappropriate to contemplate computers. However, I wondered if you ever had old but working computers that you would consider donating to this charity? You have no idea how grateful I would be if you coul dhelp us in some small way!
    Kind regards
    Pat Hogan

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