How to sort track play order in iTunes

iTunes  gives users the ability to place songs & stories into different playlists. When the playlist is enabled, only the files that you have placed inside of the playlist will be available for playing. If  you are sick of the order of the songs inside that playlist or Itunes has screwed it up, (not unusual), you may wish to change the order of some of the songs located inside of the playlist.Follow these steps and… well sometimes it works, but that’s ITunes for you.

Tip before you try to reorder make sure the shuffle button is turned off. On the latest version it’s a set of intertwined arrows at the bottom of the playlist in the left pane.

    • 1 Open iTunes if it’s not already open.
    • 2 Select the iTunes playlist you are editing by clicking the playlist title underneath the “Playlists” category, inside the left iTunes pane. The files saved in the playlist appear in the middle of iTunes.
    • 3 Click the “Shuffle” button, located in the bottom iTunes toolbar beneath the “Playlists” category, in order to turn the “Shuffle” feature to “Off.” The order of files in an iTunes playlist cannot be changed if “Shuffle” is turned on. Proceed to the next step if “Shuffle” is already turned off.
    • 4 Click the top of the far left column (the column next to the “Name” column) in the center of the iTunes program. An upward-facing arrow appears at the top of that column, and the files inside the iTunes playlist are placed in alphabetical order.
    • 5 Click on one song that you would like to move inside the iTunes playlist. That file is highlighted.
    • 6 Drag the iTunes song to a different spot in the playlist. Release the mouse button and the file is in a new position. Repeat this step with different files inside the playlist until you’re finished changing the playlist order.

This may not work all of the time in which case you really would be doing us all a favour by reporting it to apple through the feedback form.


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